
Config files for command line development.

Primary LanguageVim Script


Configurations and preferences that are nice to have, but are painful and irritating to set up over and over again.



Make sure you have bash >= 4.0 installed

For OSX:

brew install bash
sudo brew ls bash | grep '/bin/bash$' >> /etc/shells
chsh -s $(brew ls bash | grep '/bin/bash$') $(whoami)

Dot file installation

bash setup.sh
# Now restart your shell

For non-bash configuration files (like .vimrc, the changes should take place the next time you launch the application).

Note: If you modify the .bashrc after doing the initial setup, just run the following:

$ refresh

And this will re-source the .bashrc and the changes will take place immediately and not require a shell restart.

For those of us new to bash

.bashrc vs .bash_profile

.bashrc is for non-login shells, and .bash_profile is for login shells. If you want something to only show up at login, do it in .bash_profile, not .bashrc. Otherwise, put it in .bashrc