
Replicate the features of GrinnellPlans.com

Primary LanguageRuby

Grinnell Plans

Interested in helping out? More information in the Getting Started Guide!


  1. Install git.

  2. Install Ruby & Rails.

  3. Bundler will manage the gems for the project

    gem install bundler


    sudo gem install bundler
  4. Checkout the project

    git clone git@github.com:grinnellplans/GrinnellPlans.git
    cd GrinnellPlans
  5. Install the gems that are specified in Gemfile

    bundle install
  6. Create the database and seed it with data

    rake db:setup

Rails Project Tasks

  • Start the server

    ./bin/rails server

    Open the app in a browser at localhost:3000. You can log in with any of the accounts listed in the seeds. The password is the same as the username for all development accounts.

  • Run the tests:

    ./bin/rspec spec

    If you haven’t made any changes, all the tests should pass, or else you have found a bug.

  • To use the Rails console (for debugging, playing with data, etc):

    ./bin/rails console
  • Check for code style violations from mean old Rubocop:
