
Ansible role for installing and configuring php-fpm

Build Status Ansible Galaxy


This role installs and configures the php-fpm interpreter.


This role requires Ansible 1.4 or higher and tested platforms are listed in the metadata file.

Role Variables

The role uses the following variables:

  • php_fpm_pools: The list a pools for php-fpm, each pools is a hash with a name entry (used for filename), all the other entries in the hash are pool directives (see http://php.net/manual/en/install.fpm.configuration.php).
  • php_fpm_pool_defaults: A list of default directives used for all php-fpm pools (see http://php.net/manual/en/install.fpm.configuration.php).
  • php_fpm_apt_packages: The list of packages to be installed by the apt, defaults to [php5-fpm]. module.
  • php_fpm_yum_packages: The list of packages to be installed by the yum module, defaults to [php-fpm].
  • php_fpm_ini: Customization for php-fpm's php.ini as a list of options, each option is a hash using the following structure:
    • option: The name of the option.
    • value: The string value to be associated with the option.
    • section: Section name in INI file.
  • php_fpm_config: Customization for php-fpm's configuration file as a list of options.
  • php_fpm_apt_packages: The APT packages to install, defaults to [php5-fpm].
  • php_fpm_yum_packages: The Yum packages to install, defaults to [php-fpm].
  • php_fpm_default_pool:
    • delete: Set to a True value to delete the default pool.
    • name: The filename the default pool configuration file.

Example configuration

- role: php-fpm
    pm: dynamic
    pm.max_children: 5
    pm.start_servers: 2
    pm.min_spare_servers: 1
    pm.max_spare_servers: 3
   - name: foo
     user: www-data
     group: www-data
     listen: 8000
     chdir: /
   - name: bar
     user: www-data
     group: www-data
     listen: 8001
   # PHP section directives
   - option: "engine"
     section: "PHP"
     value: "1"
   - option: "error_reporting"
     section: "PHP"
     value: "E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT"
   - option: "date.timezone"
     section: "PHP"
     value: "Europe/Berlin"
   # soap section directives
   - option: "soap.wsdl_cache_dir"
     section: "soap"
     value: "/tmp"
   # Pdo_mysql section directives
   - option: "pdo_mysql.cache_size"
     section: "Pdo_mysql"
     value: "2000"
   - option: "log_level"
     section: "global"
     value: "notice"
   - option: "syslog.facility"
     section: "global"
     value: "daemon"

Example usage

# file: task.yml
- hosts: all
    - nbz4live.php-fpm
    - {
        role: nbz4live.php-fpm,
          {name: foo, user: www-data, group: www-data, listen: 8000, chdir: /}
    - role: php-fpm
          - name: bar
            user: www-data
            group: www-data
            listen: 9000
            chdir: /



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