In this repository are three files:
- IMSportsFullFinal.r - this is the R file that all of the data analysis for the article
- sportbysportfinal.csv - this csv contains the scores of every sport played during Harvard house IMs from the 2012-2013 academic year through 2019-2020
- scoresbyseasonfinal.csv - this csv contains the scores, grouped by season, from every year of house IMs from the 2012-2013 academic year through 2019-2020
If you have questions about the data, please email me at samuelthau@college.harvard.edu. Alternatively, if you are interested in the original data files, contact the Harvard IM referees at harvardheadref@gmail.com.
If you find errors, please email me with the mistake and your name, so that I can correct the errors and properly credit you in any updates to the article.