
Aloha Website project using html5, CSS3, and jQuery

Hosted here with GitHub Pages

Aloha screenshot

New technologies used


I used html5 semantics and used lists to later be formatted with flexbox. The html was written with accessibility in mind. The head links to CDN's for jQuery, FontAwesome, and Flickity libraries.


I used flexbox to create the layout of this page, and followed a mockup to style as close as possible. I tried to achieve a pixel perfect match throughout the responsive design. The page has 2 breakpoints (600px and 1240px). I used a code snippit to hide some text off screen while keeping it in the DOM for accessibility.


With the help of some code snippits found online, I added a flickity carousel, smooth scrolling, and email validation using js and jQuery. The email validation uses a Regular Expression to test the input.