The Odin sequencer enhances a live musical performance by musicians. This includes the following use cases :
- Composition support by trying out themes, progressions and riffs to help settle on a performance.
- Jamming support by delivering common musical sequences that a band can jam around and practice.
- Delivery samples at appropriate time during a performance.
- Adjusting effects during a performance.
Performances can be written in a DSL that describes the semantics and specificsof a performance describing chord progressions and musical hints, along with specific sound delivery.
The system will also support experiments involving how machines can enhance live musical performances and how musicians can act as conductor to the machine, perhaps letting go of the reigns entirely.
Over time the system will drive other aspects of a performance beyond sound and will take direction from machine learning.
The first release of this system will focus on driving live music performance via MIDI and will be installable on a Raspberry Pi to encourage portability and reduced costs.
mvn package
java -jar odin-server/target/odin-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
or run with developer benefits, e.g. web template reloading
(cd odin-server && mvn spring-boot:run)
docker-compose up -d
or with rebuild
docker-compose up -d --build
docker-compose build --no-cache odin-frontend
To run interact container
docker run --rm -it --name admin -v=odin_web-volume:/var/lib/web alpine
The copy the files into the volume
docker cp src/main/resources/static/. admin:/var/lib/web/
Or in one go
docker run --name admin -v=odin_web-volume:/var/lib/web alpine true && \
docker cp src/main/resources/static/. admin:/var/lib/web/ && \
docker rm admin
See also the Odin Android App.
Add "my.pi" domain name to /etc/hosts
On my.pi create .ssh directory
ssh pi@my.pi
cd ~ && install -d -m 700 ~/.ssh
From local machine deploy SSH Key
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh pi@my.pi 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
On my.pi
sudo mkdir /opt/odin
sudo chown pi /opt/odin
From local machine deploy jar
scp odin-server/target/odin-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar pi@my.pi:/opt/odin
On my.pi
( cd /opt/odin ; java -jar odin-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar )
Health check
Run the MIDI playground script
mvn exec:java
Lots of combinations and choice exist to generate and receive MIDI signals, for basics I use :
- A Korg microKEY to act as MIDI in signal. Midi Mock (in Mac App Store) is a software keyboard that drives MIDI in
- Ableton Live as a receiver for MIDI out.
For performance I use a Nord Electro 5 and Nord Lead 4.
Install sonar and start sonar locally
sonar console
And analyse with sonar
mvn clean verify sonar:sonar
And view sonar report at http://localhost:9000/
cd odin-server
./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start
./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js src/main/js/*.js
Start spring boot server
(cd odin-api && mvn spring-boot:run&)
Then open odin-frontend/public/index.html in browser
Java code changes can be applied by rebuilding in IDEA with ⌘ fn-F9. The server will restart with new classes. Front end changes can be made direct will take immediate effect.
Stop spring boot server
And ctrl-c.
To test a single test from command line
mvn test -Dtest=LogCaptureTest -pl log-capture/
Generate site, including javadocs with
mvn site
cd odin-server