Node Scraping


Scraping is fun! You can steal all the data you want from website and do whatever the heck you want with it.

Aside from that you can also avoid paying costly APIs for the same information.



All you need for this is three libraries. These should already be inside the package.json

npm install yakuza --save
npm install mongoose --save
npm install cheerio --save
var Yakuza   = require('yakuza');
var cheerio  = require('cheerio');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Movie    = require('../app/models/movie');
var config   = require('../config/config');


Yakuza Basics

Yakuza is a scraping management system. There is four main concepts to remember Scraper, Agent, Task, and Job.

This is a the basic structure


  • Scraper1
    • Agent1
      • Task1
      • Task2
    • Agent2
      • Task1
      • Task2
  • Scraper2
    • Agent3
      • Task3


  • Execute Job1
    • Scraper1 > Agent1 > Task1
    • Scraper1 > Agent1 > Task2
  • Execute Job2
    • Scraper2 > Agent3 > Task3


Scraper refers to the name of the scraping project. For example: "Movies" and "Financial Data"

Agent refers to the name of the website where you will get the data from for that specific Scraper. For example: "imdb" and "yahoo finance"

Task refers to the name of an action for a specific Agent. For example: "login" and "top250"

Job refers to the actual execution of Task/Tasks

Define a Scraper


Define an Agent

Yakuza.agent('movie', 'imdb').plan(['top250']);

Define a Task

Yakuza.task('movie', 'imdb', 'top250').main(function (task, http, params) {
  // your logic for retrieving the html and extrating data here

Define a Job

var top250 = Yakuza.job('movie', 'imdb', {someParams: "someParams"}).enqueue('top250');

// when task is completed, do...
top250.on('task:top250:success', function (task) {
  var moviesList =;
  moviesList.forEach(function (movie) {

// actually execute the Job;

Logic for Task

Yakuza.task('movie', 'imdb', 'top250').main(function (task, http, params) {
  console.log(params) // {someParams: "someParams"}
  var url = '';

  // Get the html document
  http.get(url, function (error, res, html){
    if (error) { return; } // required

    // your logic for extracting data

    return task.success({message: "Completed top250", moviesList: moviesList}); // required
}).builder(function (job){
  // if you have passed in data to your job and you want to use it in your task, then you need to have this.
  return job.params;
  // customize your promise upon completion of your task.
  onFail: function (task) {
    if (task.runs <= 5) {
    } else {
      console.log(task.error.code + " >>> FOR >>> ", task.params);


Cheerio is a fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.

This means that given a HTML document, you can now use jQuery and retrieve elements!

Since we are using Yakuza's http to send a request to retrieve our html, we can load the html with Cheerio

Yakuza.task('movie', 'imdb', 'top250').main(function (task, http, params) {
  var url = '';

  http.get(url, function (error, res, html){
    if (error) { return; }

    var $ = cheerio.load(html);
    var movies = $("tbody.lister-list > tr")

Since we got an array of movies with $("tbody.lister-list > tr") we can loop through movies and start extracting the data we need

  var movies = $("tbody.lister-list > tr");
  var moviesList = [];

  movies.each(function (index, movie){
    movie = $(movie);

    var img, title, rating;

    img = movie.find('.posterColumn > a > img').attr("src");
    title = movie.find('.titleColumn > a').html() + " " + movie.find('.titleColumn > span').html();
    rating = movie.find('.imdbRating > strong').html();

      img: img,
      title: title,
      rating: rating

In the above code, we used .each() to iterate each element inside movies. Then use .find() to filter down to the elements we need for three pieces of information img, title, and rating.

For these three elements we would go deeper to extract the actual information we need by using the two most commonly used methods .html() and attr(). There are more methods you can use for different data such as .css() to get css specific attributes for an element. Basically you can use what you have learnt from jQuery lesson and apply them here.


Now that we have our data, recall that we need to pass it into our task.success() to complete our task before we can start saving the data? So idealy you should have the following code

Yakuza.task('movie', 'imdb', 'top250').main(function (task, http, params) {
  var url = '';

  http.get(url, function (error, res, html){
    if (error) { return; }

    $ = cheerio.load(html);
    var movies = $("tbody.lister-list > tr");
    var moviesList = [];

    movies.each(function (index, movie){
      movie = $(movie);

      var img, title, rating;

      img = movie.find('.posterColumn > a > img').attr("src");
      title = movie.find('.titleColumn > a').html() + " " + movie.find('.titleColumn > span').html();
      rating = movie.find('.imdbRating > strong').html();

        img: img,
        title: title,
        rating: rating

    return task.success({message: "Completed top250", moviesList: moviesList});

Saving Data

Now that the task is completed, it will emit an event task:top250:success. Recall that before we, we have a top250.on('task:top250:success', function (task) {... that will listen to the event and run a function that contains whatever you passed into task.success(). So now is a good time to actually save our data.

var top250 = Yakuza.job('movie', 'imdb', {someParams: "someParams"}).enqueue('top250');
top250.on('task:top250:success', function (task) {
  var moviesList =;
  moviesList.forEach(function (movie) {

function saveMovie (movie) {
  Movie.findOneAndUpdate({title: movie.title}, movie, function (error, movie) {
    if (error) { return console.log(error); }
    if (!movie) {
      movie = new Movie(movie); (error) {
        if (error) { console.log(error); }
        return console.log("Movie Created >>> " + movie.title);
    } else {
      return console.log("Movie Updated >>> " + movie.title);


For highcharts, go read the documentations and look at the demos (code available in jsFiddle).

Documentation Demos