Enigma is an open source asymmetric encryption algorithm application which allows us to encrypt and dycrypt any string using a public key and private key.
You would need to install Docker for this project.
Just run the following command for Encryption :
docker run -it --rm -v ~/keys:/keys iankoulski/enigma encrypt [Plain Text]
and for Decrypting :
docker run -it --rm -v ~/keys:/keys iankoulski/enigma decrypt [Encrypted Text]
Application will create both encryption keys in the container and share it (with running host machine) at the host ~/keys folder for the first run. tampering with these files will cause the application to fail to behave correctly. if these files are deleted from the host (running machine), the encrypted text will fail to decrypt correctly since a new pair will be generated upone any of the missing keys.
The Docker image for this project is located here: https://hub.docker.com/r/iankoulski/enigma/