Canvas is a Go package for generating ascii images. See GoDoc for details.
$go get
import ""
// Build an ascii hexagon using strings.
hexagonString := `***>-----<***` + "\n"
hexagonString += `**/ \**` + "\n"
hexagonString += `*/ \*` + "\n"
hexagonString += `< >` + "\n"
hexagonString += `*\ /*` + "\n"
hexagonString += `**\ /**` + "\n"
hexagonString += `***>-----<***`
// The string is parsed into a new canvase.
// The second paramater is used to specify transparency.
hexagon := NewCanvasFromString(hexagonString, '*')
// Created a larger canvas that is completely filled with '~' runes.
board := NewFill(31, 21, '~')
// Arrange multiple hexagons onto the new canvas.
board.Compose(0, 4, hexagon)
board.Compose(0, 10, hexagon)
board.Compose(9, 1, hexagon)
board.Compose(9, 7, hexagon)
board.Compose(9, 13, hexagon)
board.Compose(18, 4, hexagon)
board.Compose(18, 10, hexagon)
// Print the board
~~~~~~~~~~~/ \~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~/ \~~~~~~~~~~
~~~>-----< >-----<~~~
~~/ \ / \~~
~/ \ / \~
< >-----< >
~\ / \ /~
~~\ / \ /~~
~~~>-----< >-----<~~~
~~/ \ / \~~
~/ \ / \~
< >-----< >
~\ / \ /~
~~\ / \ /~~
~~~>-----< >-----<~~~
~~~~~~~~~~\ /~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~\ /~~~~~~~~~~~