
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


What to Watch - Random Movie Generator


A random movie generator built from scratch that uses JavaScript and third party APIs for dynamic HTML and CSS elements. You can visit the deployed webpage here: https://ianm1837.github.io/what-to-watch/ Or you can check out the project files in our GitHub repository here: https://github.com/ianm1837/what-to-watch

USER STORY: As a movie watcher with countless options, I want a web application that will generate a movie for me so that I can remove the 'choice overload' when deciding what to watch.

ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: GIVEN I am able to select a random movie generated by the What to Watch web application. WHEN I click on the Find A Movie button, THEN I am able to choose a movie based on Genre, Rating, and whether or not I want the movie to come from IMDB's Top 100 films. WHEN I choose my options by genre, THEN my choices will be filtered in the results. WHEN I choose my options by ratings, THEN my choices will be filtered in the results. WHEN I choose my options by whether the movie is in the IMDB's Top 100, THEN my choice will be filtered in the results. WHEN I have made all my choices and clicked the 'Find A Movie' button, THEN I am given a page with my results, showing the movie chosen, a description of the movie, the movie poster, rating, and links to where I can watch the movie.

TECHNOLOGIES USED: HTML CSS Bulma (CSS Framework) JavaScript (Including the use of third party APIs)

USAGE: The user will click on Find A Movie button and be lead to a page that gives them options for their search. landing-page They will be able to filter their results by movie genre, star ratings, and whether or not they want their movie to selected from IMDB's Top 100 Movies. user-options-1 user-options-2 Once they have selected their choices and click the Find A Movie button once more, the user's results will display with the movie title, poster, description, rating, and a link to the movie's IMDB webpage. showcase-1

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thank you to the UofO Coding Bootcamp for providing us with the knowledge and tools we needed to complete this project.