What to Watch - Random Movie Generator
A random movie generator built from scratch that uses JavaScript and third party APIs for dynamic HTML and CSS elements. You can visit the deployed webpage here: https://ianm1837.github.io/what-to-watch/ Or you can check out the project files in our GitHub repository here: https://github.com/ianm1837/what-to-watch
USER STORY: As a movie watcher with countless options, I want a web application that will generate a movie for me so that I can remove the 'choice overload' when deciding what to watch.
ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: GIVEN I am able to select a random movie generated by the What to Watch web application. WHEN I click on the Find A Movie button, THEN I am able to choose a movie based on Genre, Rating, and whether or not I want the movie to come from IMDB's Top 100 films. WHEN I choose my options by genre, THEN my choices will be filtered in the results. WHEN I choose my options by ratings, THEN my choices will be filtered in the results. WHEN I choose my options by whether the movie is in the IMDB's Top 100, THEN my choice will be filtered in the results. WHEN I have made all my choices and clicked the 'Find A Movie' button, THEN I am given a page with my results, showing the movie chosen, a description of the movie, the movie poster, rating, and links to where I can watch the movie.
TECHNOLOGIES USED: HTML CSS Bulma (CSS Framework) JavaScript (Including the use of third party APIs)
USAGE: The user will click on Find A Movie button and be lead to a page that gives them options for their search. They will be able to filter their results by movie genre, star ratings, and whether or not they want their movie to selected from IMDB's Top 100 Movies. Once they have selected their choices and click the Find A Movie button once more, the user's results will display with the movie title, poster, description, rating, and a link to the movie's IMDB webpage.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thank you to the UofO Coding Bootcamp for providing us with the knowledge and tools we needed to complete this project.