Angular project implementing angularfire, angular material, internationalization with ngx-translate, tsparticles, ng-circle-progress.
The project aims to allow the user to create work and rest blocks in order to stay focused and manage time better. It also allows us, once we are logged in, to store the completed tasks and be able to repeat them. For user administration and registration/login, we chose to use Firebase.
For the creation of the task, the form field component of angular material is used with its respective validations. Once the task has been created, it will switch between the workingTimer()
and restTimer()
//Method to start the working coutndown
workingTimer(workTime: number, rounds: number) {
//Show the pause and stop button
this.showPauseButton = true;
this.showStopButton = true;
//Set the color of the circle spinner(working)
this.outerStrokeColor = '#4882c2';
this.outerStrokeGradientStopColor = '#53a9ff';
//Checl if the user has more rounds or if it is the last round
if (rounds > 0 || this.isLastRound === true) {
//Set the type of block to working
this.typeOfBlock = 'Working Time Countdown:';
if (this.lang === 'en-US') {
this.title = 'Working Countdown:';
if (this.lang === 'es') {
this.title = 'Cuenta regr. trabajo ';
If we paused the task, we have to resume the timer
so we have to obtain the rounds that the user has left
this.resumeAmountBlocks = rounds;
const timeWork = workTime;
this.workingSubs = this.timerInterval
.subscribe((val) => {
this.currentWorkingTime = timeWork - (val + 1);
//Progress Spinner value
this.showingTime = this.currentWorkingTime;
this.subtitle = this.currentWorkingTime.toString();
this.percent =
(this.currentWorkingTime * 100) / (this.workingTimeForSpinner * 60);
if (this.currentWorkingTime === 2) {;
if (this.currentWorkingTime == 0) {
//Rest the round after the countdown is over
if (rounds === 0) {
//Set the last round to true
this.isLastRound = true;
//Obtain the time that the user has to rest
const { restTime } = this.myForm.value;
this.restingTimeForSpinner = restTime;
//Call the method to start the rest countdown
this.restTimer(this.restingTimeForSpinner * 60, rounds);
return this.workingSubs;
//Method to start the resting coutndown
restTimer(restTime: number, rounds: number) {
//We can't pause or stop the task in the resting countdown
this.showPauseButton = false;
this.showStopButton = false;
//Change the color of the circle spinner(resting)
this.outerStrokeColor = '#e63946';
this.outerStrokeGradientStopColor = '#e63946';
if (rounds > 0 || !this.isLastRound) {
this.typeOfBlock = 'Resting Time Countdown:';
if (this.lang === 'en-US') {
this.title = 'Resting Countdown:';
if (this.lang === 'es') {
this.title = 'Cuenta regr. descanso ';
const timeRest = restTime;
this.restingSubs = this.timerInterval
.subscribe((val) => {
this.currentRestingTime = timeRest - (val + 1);
//Progress Spinner value
this.showingTime = this.currentRestingTime;
this.subtitle = this.currentRestingTime.toString();
this.percent =
(this.currentRestingTime * 100) / (this.restingTimeForSpinner * 60);
if (this.currentRestingTime === 2) {;
if (this.currentRestingTime == 0) {
this.workingTimer(this.workingTimeForSpinner * 60, rounds);
return this.restingSubs;
//If the user has no more rounds, we have to stop the task
this.isLastRound = false;
//Method to change the language of the title for the circle spinner
this.subtitle = '';
this.creationOfTask = true;
//Unsubscribe the timer subscriptions
//Asign the values to the form to a variable
let task: Task = this.myForm.value;
//Call method and pass the task to the method
//Reset the form and launch the confetti
Once we are done we unsubscribe to the timer subscriptions and call saveTask() and launchConfetti() methods.
//Method to launch the confetti and the toastr
launchConfetti() {
this.confettiHide = false;
if (this.lang === 'en-US') {
'You are very productive! You have completed your task!',
timeOut: 5000,
extendedTimeOut: 3000,
disableTimeOut: false,
closeButton: true,
positionClass: 'toast-top-center',
progressBar: true,
progressAnimation: 'decreasing'
if (this.lang === 'es') {
'Eres muy productivo! Completaste tu tarea!',
timeOut: 5000,
extendedTimeOut: 3000,
disableTimeOut: false,
closeButton: true,
positionClass: 'toast-top-center',
progressBar: true,
progressAnimation: 'decreasing'
setTimeout(() => {
this.confettiHide = true;
}, 5000);
//Method to save the task
saveTask(task: Task) {
//localStorage.setItem('completedTasks', JSON.stringify(completedTasks));
this.taskService.saveTaskFirestore(task, this.userUID);
When we open the app, one of the first things we do is check the status of the user. If the user is logged, we check if he has any completed task
//Get user state
async getUserState() {;
await this.auth.authState.subscribe((user) => {
if (user?.email) {
//Obtain the user UID
this.userUID = user.uid;
//The user is logged
this.isLogged = true;
//Obtain the tasks of the user
} else {
this.isLogged = false;
//Obtain the tasks from the database
async getTasks() {
await this.firestore
.subscribe((tasks) => {
this.completedTasks = tasks;
The app has two main services
This service is mainly used in the components of the auth/
folder, responsible for login, signup and verification.
// Async validator to check if the username is available or not with a debounce time of 500ms
checkUser(control: AbstractControl) {
const username: string = control.value;
return this.firestore
.collection('users', (ref) => ref.where('username', '==', username))
map((arr) => (arr.length ? { usernameNoAvailable: true } : null))
async register(user: any, password: string) {
try {
//Take the mail and password of the user and create a new user in firebase
await this.auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(, password);
let tempId = this.firestore.createId();
//Call method sendVerificationEmail() to send a verification email to the user
await this.sendVerificationEmail();
//Take the user and add it to the database collection 'users'
return await this.firestore.collection('users').doc(tempId).set({
fullname: user.fullname,
username: user.username,
uid: tempId
} catch (error) {
throw error;
//Method to send a verification email to the user
async sendVerificationEmail() {
try {
return await (await this.auth.currentUser)?.sendEmailVerification();
} catch (error) {
throw error;
//Method to login with email and password
async login(email: string, password: string) {
try {
return await this.auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
//Method to create a new user in firestore with google
async googleSignInRegister(user: any) {
try {
return await this.firestore.collection('users').doc(user.user?.uid).set({
fullname: user.user?.displayName,
email: user.user?.email,
uid: user.user?.uid
} catch (error) {
throw error;
This service is mainly used in main.component.ts
to save tasks and delete them.
//Method to save a Task on Firebase
async saveTaskFirestore(task: any, userId: string) {
let tempId = this.firestore.createId();
await this.firestore
amountBlocks: task.amountBlocks,
description: task.description,
restTime: task.restTime,
taskName: task.taskName,
workingTime: task.workingTime,
id: tempId
//Method to delete a Task on Firebase
async deleteTask(taskId: string, uidUser: string, currentLang: string) {
await this.firestore
.collection('tasksCompletedFromThisUser', (ref) =>
ref.where('id', '==', taskId)
.subscribe((querySnapshot) => {
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
//Toastr message english
if (currentLang === 'en-US') {
this.toastr.error('You have deleted a task!', 'Alert', {
timeOut: 5000,
extendedTimeOut: 3000,
disableTimeOut: false,
closeButton: true,
positionClass: 'toast-top-center',
progressBar: true,
progressAnimation: 'decreasing'
//Toastr message spanish
if (currentLang === 'es') {
this.toastr.error('Has eliminado una tarea!', 'Alerta', {
timeOut: 5000,
extendedTimeOut: 3000,
disableTimeOut: false,
closeButton: true,
positionClass: 'toast-top-center',
progressBar: true,
progressAnimation: 'decreasing'
For translation ngx-translate was used. It is very important that in the assets/i18n/
folder we have the json of the languages that we want to translate. In my case simply Spanish (es.json
) and English (en-US.json
). In both files there will be the texts that we want to be used.
//es.json file
"greet": "Hola",
"state of mind": "Estoy bien"
"greet": "Hi",
"state of mind": "i'm fine"
I hope it was understood 😖 What we also need to do is import the TranslateModule and configure the HttpLoader. You can see the ngx-translate documentation to do it correctly. I import the TranslateModule in each module 👎 😫, although you can have a SharedModule or you can also configure it for lazy loaded modules 👍 👌