
Using Plato analysis with ES6 using Babel

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A demonstration of using ES6 & Babel with Plato.

Inside src/ there's a demo .jsx and a demo .js file written in ES6.

They get compiled to ES5 in the npm run metrics task, using Babel.


  1. npm run metrics - Compiles source code and builds metrics


  1. Open dist/metrics/report/index.html


  1. Normally, Babel will add helper functions to each file when compiling files separately. The runtime plugin removes the helper functions, and replaces them with requires. This reduces the presumed complexity of each module, and cuts down on file size. (Shoutout to @mnunez903 for the awesome find)

  2. There's a sample .jshintrc in this project. I explicitly stated module, exports and require are globals. You can use the node globals options, but I opted for only this. Also turned on globalstrict.

  • One error jshint reports that is Babel's thing is a != null comparison.