
just to make boring part of create Value Object (aka create the vo)

Primary LanguagePHP

To use the vomaker you need inform some parameters in command line, like above
phpvomaker [cmd] --dsn [dsn] --login [login] --password  [options]
--dsn: at this time you just can use mysql dsn's
--login: you database login
--password:you databaase password
[cmd] : listtable|create|help
--table : the table list
--template : templatename
action:you can request for
listtable     :  list all tables in you database for support your choice to generate vo.
create        :  create the Vo's
 help         :  show this or a especific help if use help [cmd]
phpvomaker --help
phpvomaker --help listtable\n
create vo of table tags with BlueSeed Template into actual directory
./appvomaker.php create --dsn 'mysql:host=;dbname=test' --user root --password mysql --output ./ --tables tags --template blueseed
create Vo of All Tables in database using template 'vo' basic 
./appvomaker.php create --dsn 'mysql:host=;dbname=test' --user root --password mysql --output ./ --tables ALLTABLES --template vo
create vo of table tags and tags2 with BlueSeed Template into actual directory
./appvomaker.php create --dsn 'mysql:host=;dbname=test' --user root --password mysql --output ./ --tables tags,tags2 --template blueseed
create vo to all tables  with vo basic Template into actual directory
./appvomaker.php create --dsn 'mysql:host=;dbname=test' --user root --password mysql --output ./ --tables ALLTABLES --template vo
create vo to all tables  with default Template(vo basic) into actual directory
./appvomaker.php create --dsn 'mysql:host=;dbname=test' --user root --password mysql --output ./ --tables ALLTABLES