
A backbone/handlebars template manager.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Backbone plugin to add a client side template manager.

NOTE: This plugin is highly coupled with Handlebars at the moment, meaning I haven't done the work to create an interface around template compilation yet. I hope to make this more modular with other templating solutions soon.

It also depends on Underscore, Backbone, jQuery and the Backbone-localStorage plugin written by @jeromegn which can be found here... https://github.com/jeromegn/Backbone.localStorage


new Backbone.Templar(templatePaths, options)

Initialize templar...

var templar = new Templar([

Initialize templar with options (defaults shown)...

var templar = new Templar(templates, {
  url     : 'public/templates/',                 // template base path
  ext     : '.hbs',                              // template file extension
  version : '0.0.1',                             // version number to invalidate old cached templates
  cache   : true,                                // turn localStorage caching on/off
  storage : new Backbone.LocalStorage('Templar') // default local storage plugin

Backbone.Templar.render(path, el, data [, append])

Render template...

var templar = new Templar([

  path   : 'mytemplatename1',
  el     : $('.myElementToRenderTemplateIn'),
  data   : {
    'name' : 'example'

or append the compiled template

  path   : 'mytemplatename1',
  el     : $('.myElementToRenderTemplateIn'),
  data   : {
    'name' : 'example'
  append : true // defaults to false and assumes replacing innerHtml