
Primary LanguageJavaScript



[ ]- Separate modules into new files. [x]- Add webpack [ ]- Make function to check all form conditions (make an array of forms and do a forEach on it)

--- old notes ---

// addBook button doesn't land in correct spot on different browsers / platforms // possibly a position: fixed bug?

// popup appears at top of page, should be center of viewport

// animate popup
// change look of checkbox
// add basic checks to data entry, if nothing is entered, display an error (edit the text content or something?)
// new book button spin on click
// add book details to container, and checkbox + button to other container, split them up with space between and increase the height of the cards

// format cards
// borders used as single line seperators
// distinguish specific elements
// bold title
// format buttons
// add header
// add footer


// position remove book button in an aboslute corner
// localStorage implementation

// added "by" and "pages" // fill out popup page
// dropshadow popup

++ implement delete button functionality (on database level, refreshingCards and clearCards after)
++ position delete button relative to container
++ new book popUp - prevent from instantiating more than one
++ add cancel button to popUp


inspiring for button interaction / drop shadow use

how did they do the alert on the entry box?