
Gulp boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gulp Boilerplate

A starting point for creating static websites.


  • Sass/SCSS
  • Handlebars templating with Frontmatter, global data ./src/data/globals.json, and namespaced by file name global data ./src/data/**/*.json
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • Live injection/reload with BrowserSync
  • StandardJS
  • Stylelint Standard
  • Rev styles and scripts
  • Sourcemaps
  • PostCSS-cssnext
  • PostCSS cssnano

Getting Started

Install all dependencies using npm:

nvm use
npm install

To Develop:

npm run dev

You can view the website at one of the given access URLs:

[BS] Access URLs:
       Local: http://localhost:3000
    External: http://10.0.X.XX:3000

To Build:

npm run build
