
Advanced polling bot for Discord.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is the beginnings of a complex polling bot for Discord, allowing for advanced polls with many options, vote restrictions, and even graphs of results.


To make new polls:

!newpoll "poll name" [Option 1, Option 2] --yn|yesno --num|numbers --lock --blind --time|timeout 5 --mult|multiple --rxn|reactions --maybe|idk --pub|public --role "role" --lo|leaveopen|dontcloseearly --color 2555834

  • yn: convert to a yes/no poll (has no effect if more than two options)
  • num: convert to a number poll (1,2,3,4) (has no effect if more than 10 options)
  • lock: answers cannot be edited even if there is time left. If everyone answers, poll ends immediately.
  • blind: answers are private (answer with DMs, blind ballot style)
  • time #: # = time in minutes before poll ends (defaults to 30)
  • multiple: allows for voting for multiple items (rather than just one each)
  • rxn: vote by reactions instead of messages (enables mult)
  • maybe: adds a 'maybe' option in addition to other choices
  • role "role": restricts voting to users with a matching role
  • leaveopen: Leave the poll open if there's time left, even if everyone in the server has voted.
  • color #: # = RGB integer color code to customize poll color

To vote:

!vote #PollID Option

  • #PollID Optional if only one poll running. The ID for the poll being voted in.
  • Option The option to be voted for.

To request results:

!results #PollID --users|detail --chart|graph

  • #PollID Optional if only one poll running. The ID for the poll results are being requested for.
  • users: Show who voted for what
  • chart: generate a chart when the poll ends


To set up the bot on your machine, you will need Node.js installed. Clone the repo, follow the instructions in "private_example.js" and save as "private.js", add the bot to your server, and finally run node index.js in a command window in the folder with the code.