OpenAI Chatbot

This script provides a simple interface to chat with OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo model. It allows users to have a conversation with the model and quit the conversation by typing "exit".


You need to have Python installed. Install openai Python library using pip:

pip install openai


Make sure you have an OpenAI API key. Store your API key in a file as key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'.

How to Run

Execute the script using Python:


Once you run the script, it will prompt you with User: . You can then start typing and the chatbot will respond. To exit the conversation, simply type exit.

Usage Example

Welcome! Let's start a new chat...(Type 'exit' to quit)
User: Hello!
Chatbot: Hello! How can I help you today?
User: What's the weather like?
Chatbot: I'm sorry, I cannot check real-time weather. Would you like information on how weather systems work instead?
User: exit

Feedback and Contributions

For any feedback or contributions to this script, please open a pull request or raise an issue in this repository.