
codingame mars lander AI

Primary LanguagePython

Mars Lander

A lander AI made for a competition. Currently placed in top 10% worldwide.

landing on high ground
landing in canyon
landing with high inital horizontal speed

Projected Range

The formula used to obtain the projected range of the lander based on current speed and angle of attack.

$d={\frac {v^{2}}{2g}}\left(1+{\sqrt {1+{\frac {2g\ y_{0}}{v^{2}\sin ^{2}\theta }}\ }}\right)\sin 2\theta$

Taken from this wikipedia article

This is how I implemented it in code:

aoa = math.atan2(v_speed, h_speed) # angle of attack

y0 = y - target_y1  # height from target

vector_mag = math.hypot(h_speed, v_speed)

theta = aoa

g = 3.711

distance = (
    (vector_mag**2 / (2 * g)) *
        1 + (
            1 + (
                (2 * g * y0) / (
                    vector_mag**2 * math.sin(theta)**2)
        ) ** 0.5
) * (math.sin(2 * theta))

distance = int(distance) * -1

Thanks to @Totoleharicotvert for spotting a mistake that caused me to have to divide the whole distance by 10. (#1)

Landing Sequence

  1. During initialization, the coordinates for each of the planes are given. For this challenge there is only one possible flat plane, and so the code returns the y-height and the x coordinates of the first flat plane it finds.

  2. With the landing plane identified, the code checks to see if the lander is going in the right direction at a minimum velocity. If it is not, then it accelerates towards its target. Once it is going at the required velocity, then it enters the next stage.

  3. The code makes the lander maintain its horizontal velocity but increases its height ever so slightly during this phase. It is also calculating its projected range using the formula above. Once the range predicts it will land in the landing zone, then the next stage is activated.

  4. The code directs the lander to thrust in the direction opposite its current angle of attack. So if the lander has a lot of horizontal velocity, it starts out thrusting almost horizontally. As the horizontal velocity is diminished, the lander gradually turns vertically. It will carry on in this way until it reaches a threshold for horizontal velocity, then it enters the final stage.

  5. The final stage just involves the lander pointing vertically and keeping its velocity below a threshold to ensure safe landing.