A minimalist boilerplate for scoffolding new web apps. Comes with RethinkDB as the persistence layer. User signup comes pre-configured.
- React
- Socket.io
- Express
- RethinkDB
- React
- React Router
- Webpack
- Stylus
- Markdown
- Babel
$ git clone -o upstream https://github.com/iansinnott/react-boilerplate.git new-project-name
$ cd new-project-name
$ npm install
$ gulp
That's it. Now you're ready to start building.
React is declarative, which makes it a pleasure to use for anyone who is used to the manual way of triggering DOM updates. Using React with Webpack allows you to take rapid development to the next step by supporting live code injection for all filetypes, not just CSS.
For example, as you change your JSX you can see it live-update in the browser the second you save it. There will be no page reload, the HTML will simply update.
This of course goes for CSS or any of it's preprocessors. You can even apply this to files like markdown and see your site update as you edit the text. For example, every time I save this file I see the live preview in the browser update automatically without reloading the page. Magic!
- Git hooks to enforce ESlint before commit
- Production tooling
- Testing boilerplate
One of the gotchas of the hot react loader seems to be that it will not hot work with files in the root of the client directory. If you edit client/index.js
or client/Router.js
it will not do a live reload, you will have to to it manually.