
A custom git command that works just like git blame but shows the committer's Twitter username instead of their name

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A custom git command that works just like git blame but shows the committer's Twitter username instead of their name.

This project was inspired by these tweets


This is for novelty purposes only. I don't suggest blasting people on Twitter over some code they wrote. If you do please be nice.

This project is meant to be a fun experiment and has many limitations:

  1. The code does not have good error handling
  2. You should probably not write Node.js/JavaScript code like this. I was avoiding using any external libraries.
  3. Using this a lot is probably a good way to get rate limited by the GitHub API
  4. This script is written in Node.js which is maybe weird for a custom git command but I suck at bash
  5. This script finds the committer's Twitter username by looking up their GitHub profile and then reading the twitter_username field. If they user hasn't set their Twitter username on their GitHub profile this won't work and will just show their email address.


You must have Node.js installed to use this

  1. Download the git-blast file from this repo and save it somewhere in your PATH
  2. Make the file is executable by running chmod 755 git-blast


In any git project run git blast [git-blame-options] <filename>

This command takes all the same arguments as git blame


This code is made available under the MIT license


Made with 🥃 by Ian Sutherland (@iansu)