
When using install-strategy=linked the package namespace is being dropped from workspace packages which causes imports to fail

I have two packages in a workspace in this repo:

  • @iansu/package-a
  • @iansu/package-b

@iansu/package-b has a dependency on @iansu/package-a

When no install strategy is specified this is what the root node_modules directory looks like:

❯ tree node_modules
└── @iansu
    ├── package-a -> ../../packages/package-a
    └── package-b -> ../../packages/package-b

3 directories, 0 files

In this case nothing is installed in package-b's node_modules directory

When install-strategy=linked is specific this is what the root node_modules directory looks like:

❯ tree node_modules
├── package-a -> ../packages/package-a
└── package-b -> ../packages/package-b

2 directories, 0 files

Additionally this is what package-b's `node_modules directory looks like:

❯ tree packages/package-b/node_modules
└── package-a -> ../../package-a

1 directory, 0 files

When I try to import from @iansu/package-a I get an error because neither node_modules/@iansu/package-a or packages/package-b/node_modules/@iansu/package-a exist