Various bits of Scala that could be useful for any project.
LimitedExecution and implementations that can wrap functions that return futures and limit the number of
functions that are running.
One use case is to restrict the number of database writes (or reads) that you can execute at a time. For example,
let's say we have a db collection
and we want to delete a document from it.
val writeLimiter = SemaphoreLimitedExecution.create(10) // Only 10 writes at a time using this writeLimiter would be allowed
writeLimiter(collection, s"Delete document ${foundDoc.doc._id}") {_.deleteOne(equal("_id", foundDoc.doc._id))}.toFutureOption()
Hashing algorithms for various object types
val text = "some text to hash"
val md5Hash = md5(text.getBytes)
IO-related classes. Includes the function stringToInputStream
that will create a UTF-8 based InputStream
for a string that can greatly aid testing in this area. The MagicNumberFilterInputStream
can be used to return an empty input stream if
the file in question contains a particular "Magic Number" that you want to exclude eg. If you want to ignore any gzip files but
they may have been named wrong then you can check it with the magic number 1f 8b
val text = "RDX2 is to be matched" // The magic number we are looking for is RDX2
val in = stringToInputStream(text)
val magicNumberInputStream = MagicNumberFilterInputStream
List("RDX2", "RDA2").map(_.getBytes)
val bufferSize = text.getBytes.length
val buffer = new Array[Byte](bufferSize)
val bytesRead =, 0, buffer.length)
bytesRead == -1 // True
Notably includes IdIterator for generating a unique sequence of ids.
val iter = new SeqIdIterator(IndexedSeq("first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth")) // "first" // "second"
val uuidIterator = SeqIdIterator.from(UuidIdIterator, 4) // Generate a sequence of 4 random UUIDs
DirectoryDeleter.deleteDirectories(Seq(File("/home/user/scratch/delete-this"), File("/home/user/scratch/also-delete-this"))) // Deletes a sequence of directories and their child dirs
ImplicitOrdering has ordering of LocalDateTime.
is a trait that gives the current date time. AdvancingNow
can be used to advance the time by a millisecond - useful for testing. ImplicitOrdering sorts a sequence of LocalDateTime
into order.
For setting a fixed time use:
import io.mdcatapult.util.time.nowUtc
val currentTime =
val time: Now = () => currentTime
import io.doclib.util.time.ImplicitOrdering.localDateOrdering
val times =
times.sorted should be (Seq(times(2), times(3), times.head, times(1), times(4)))
val startTime = LocalDateTime.parse("2019-10-01T12:00:00")
val now = new AdvancingNow(startTime) // Advance the time by 1 millisecond
Includes an implementation of HMRC's logback json logger licenced under Apache 2.0.
Build was unavailable for scala 2.13 so code is included directly. To use it add the class to your logback.xml file.
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<encoder class="io.mdcatapult.util.logger.JsonEncoder"/>
To add arbitrary fields to the log output you need to use Logback Mapped Diagnostic Contexts.
import org.slf4j.MDC
MDC.put("a-message", "my message")
MDC.put("another-message", """"{"a-key": "a-value"}"""")
You can add these fields at any time before you output the log message.
SourceReader can extract text from a Source using a StreamReader. The main StreamReader is TikaTextExtractingStreamReader that will use Tika.
Tika isn't completely configurable in how it handles separated value files which leads to an interesting bug concerning a UTF_8 character that represents no character (BOM). We want to ignore this character but Tika throws an exception, therefore the custom class SeparatedValueStreamReader is used instead.
val reader = new TikaTextExtractingStreamReader()
val source = Source.fromFile(new File("sample.pdf")) // Read a PDF file
val text = reader.readText(source)
val source = Source.fromFile(new File("sample.doc")) // Read a word doc
val text = reader.readText(source)
The sbt-dependency-check plugin can be used to create a HTML report under target/scala-x.x/dependency-check-report.html
sbt dependencyCheck
Uses the sbt plugin sbt-github-packages to publish the package. Set the
to publish it.
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2 license, which can be found in the repository as LICENSE.txt