is a plugin to facilitate inheritance and DRYness in your resources controllers. It introduces some abstraction to help you override the default RESTful funtionality in a clean and simple manner.
The gem name is rc_rails
Add this to your Gemfile
gem 'rc_rails'
Version 3.x of this gem is compatible with Rails 5.x
Documentation and How-to:
Github for code:
Google group for questions:
RailsConfEurope presentation files:
use the rails2 branch:
If you have found a bug, or have a new feature, then spec’d code is great.
To get set up for development, do the following:
git clone git:// cd resources_controller cp Gemfile.lock.development Gemfile.lock bundle rake spec rake spec:rspec_generated_specs
The following people have made contributions to resources_controller. Please let me know if I’ve missed you out.
Lewis Marshall
Josh Goebel
Andrew Bloomgarden
Chris Hapgood
Jason Lee
Richard Hooker
Matt Mower
Dan Kubb
Rein Henrichs
Tom Stuart
Joel Chippindale
Tim Pope
Tom ten Thij
Sergei Serdyuk
Copyright © 2007-2009 Ian White, MIT License