
Flatten nested maps or JSON structures to one-dimensional scalar sets.

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Flatten makes flat, one-dimensional maps from arbitrarily nested ones, from JSON strings or Go native structures. It can handles interior maps, slices and scalars.

Intended for JSON APIs, flatten operates on interior maps, slices and scalars. Flat, compound keys are generated in either dotted style (e.g. a.b.1.c) or Rails-like (e.g. a[b][1][c]).

You can flatten JSON strings.

nested := `{
  "one": {
    "two": [
  "side": "value"

flat, err := FlattenString(nested, "", DOT_STYLE)

// output: `{ "one.two.0": "2a", "one.two.1": "2b", "side": "value" }`

Or Go maps directly.

t := map[string]interface{}{
   "a": "b",
   "c": map[string]interface{}{
       "d": "e",
       "f": "g",
   "z": 1.4567

flat, err := Flatten(nested, "", RAILS_STYLE)

// output:
// map[string]interface{}{
//  "a":    "b",
//  "c[d]": "e",
//  "c[f]": "g",
//  "z":    1.4567,
// }

See godoc for API.