
An entry for the TIGSource Assemblee compo, part 2 [2009]

Primary LanguageC

Mushroom Stew

A short platformer/action game made with the orx game engine for the 'Assemblee, part 2' compo at http://tigsource.com
Mushroom Stew should run on windows, linux & Mac OS X.
All the executables are found in /bin/<OS> folder.
Mushroom Stew's level editor is included as well as full source code.



Start new game:   F1
Continue game:    Space
Play challenges:  F2

Move:             Left & right arrows
Jump/Double jump: Up arrow
Crouch:           Down arrow
Attack:           C
SpecialWeapon:    X
Switch special:   Z
Pause:            Escape, Pause, Backspace, P
Quit:             Pause then Q

Gamepad:          Untested but should work! :D

All the controls can be redefined in MushroomStew.ini.
See http://orx-project.org/wiki/en/orx/config/settings_main/main#details3 for a list of the available bindings.
Pausing the game will display the current bindings.


Clean the levels!


Will unravel along the levels.


Launched using the .bat/.sh script or with the command line switch -editor.
The map to edit is specified either with the commande line switch -map or in ScrollEd.ini.
Open ScrollEd.ini for a list of available inputs in the editor or contact us at http://forum.orx-project.org.

If you want to add you own challenge map, you need to open /data/ChallengeMapList.ini and add your own map at the end of the list.
Please have a look at /data/map/Blarg&Luco to see how user-created challenge maps are done.

If you have any question regarding orx, scroll, Mushroom Stew or the editor, feel free to contact us at http://forum.orx-project.org or
at iarwain -at- orx-project -dot- org


See Credits.txt

iarwain -at- orx-project -dot- org