
This is a repository, where I upload solutions to the code that we have to practise as a part of our curriculum, for practise, on codechef college chapters section.

Primary LanguageC++

Codechef CU Chapter

In this is repository, I have uploaded the solutions to the problems that we have to practise as a part of our curriculum, on Codechef College Chapters Section.

September'21 - November'21


Week 7

  • Topic: Trees
Problem Question Link Solution Link
The Next Big Thing (TNBT) Question Solution
Practise Problems Questions Solutions

Week 6

  • Topic: Queues
Problem Question Link Solution Link
Count Distinct Numbers (DISCNTK) Question Solution
Practise Problems Questions Solutions

Week 5

  • Topic: Stacks, Linked List
Problem Question Link Solution Link
Optimal Adjacent Removal (REMCHR) Question Solution
Practise Problems Questions Solutions

Week 4

  • Topic: Binary Search
Problem Question Link Solution Link
Queries in an Array (ARRQUERY) Question Solution
Is this knapsack ? (SACKNAP) Question Solution
Practise Problems Questions Solutions

Week 3

  • Topic: STL (Standard Template Library)
Problem Question Link Solution Link
Free Time (FRTIME) Question Solution
Pair Sort Version 3 (PSORT3) Question Solution
Practise Problems Questions Solutions

Week 2

Problem Question Link Solution Link
Longest Subarray (CHEFSUB) Question Solution
Students and Fighting (STUFIGHT) Question Solution
Practise Problems Questions Solutions

Week 1

Problem Question Link Solution Link
Balanced Brackets (BALBRACK) Question Solution
Simple Division (CHEDIV) Question Solution
Alternating Subsequences (CHEFLAT) Question Solution
Practise Problems Questions Solutions
March'22 - May' 22
Week 1
Practise Problem Set
  • Topic: Basics
Problem Question Link Solution Link
Add Two Numbers Question Solution
Second Max of Three Numbers Questions Solutions

Week 2
  • Topic: Greedy/Constructive Algorithm
Problem Question Link Solution Link
Practise Problem Set Questions Solutions
Assignment Problem Set Questions Solutions

Week 3
  • Topic: Basic Maths
Problem Questions Link Solutions Link
Practise Problem Set Questions Solutions
Assignment Problem Set Questions Solutions