
This project is pretty straight forward. You will recode printf. Hopefully you will be able to reuse it in future projects without the fear of being flagged as a cheater. You will mainly learn how to use variadic arguments.

Primary LanguageC


This project is pretty straight forward. You will recode printf. Hopefully you will be able to reuse it in future projects without the fear of being flagged as a cheater. You will mainly learn how to use variadic arguments.

I think the most difficult part was new commands like va_*, variadic params and a new way to organize and think in coding.

The logic is:

printf returns the number of characters passed to it, like a strlen

Iterate over *format received printing char until found special characters "%", when find this flag:

Compare next character after "%"" with table "cspdiuxX%"

Special characters needs to match exact same number of extra parameters.

variadic arguments/variadic functions variadic functions receive a ... parameter that can be any number of arguments. We need to use stdarg lib to read this type of arguments using va_start, va_arg, va_copy, va_end

Made with PDF version 9

Compile and test

make && gcc-flag main.c libftprintf.a && ./a.out


I've used/passed into the following tests:

