
TypeScript coding example

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This package contains implementation of 'Robot on Board' challenge.

In brief

  • The application is a simulation of a toy robot moving on a square tabletop, of dimensions 5 units x 5 units.
  • There are no other obstructions on the table surface.
  • The robot is free to roam around the surface of the table, but must be prevented from falling to destruction. Any movement that would result in the robot falling from the table must be prevented, however further valid movement commands must still be allowed.

For the full description pleace reffer to [challenge.md] file.

Installation and running the demo

# install dependencies
npm install

# run tests
npm run test 

# demo programm
npm run start

Implementation overview

The robot controlling system implemented as a separate component called botmaster with an ability to separate it into detachable library for using in complex project.

The botmaster implemented in a functional way: it takes the whole state as parameter and returns new state with possibe errors and output.

// ./src/botmaster/core/types.ts
// State declaration 

type BotState = {
  x: number
  y: number
  placed: boolean
  facingDirection: DIRECTION

export type WorldState = {
  board: {
    width: number
    height: number

  bot: BotState

  output: string | null

  error: {
    message: string
  } | null

API usage overview

For detailed API overview please reffer to ./src/botmaster/core/runner.ts

Run the whole script

import {
  WorldState, // describes the state of board and robot
  initWorld, // helper  to init the board
  runScript   // script runner 
} from './botmaster'

// initiate the 5x5 board
const world:WorldState =initWorld(5,5) 

// provide script
const commands = `

// run the script and get the new state after all of commands in script
// callback are used for dynamic output
const afterScriptWorld = runScript(world, commands, (s)=>{console.log(s)})

// checking for errors
  if (afterScriptWorld.error) {
    console.log('Error', afterScriptWorld.error)

Run single command

import {
  WorldState, // describes the state of board and robot
  initWorld, // helper  to init the board
  runCommand   // script runner 
} from './botmaster'

const world:WorldState =initWorld(5,5) 

// let's run single command
let afterScriptWorld = runCommand(world, "PLACE 1,1,NORTH")

if (afterScriptWorld.error) {
    console.log('Error', afterScriptWorld.error)

if (afterScriptWorld.output) {


Demo program

The demo program is presented in src/index.ts file. It runs several scripts for robot presented in challenge description with some additional cases.

The lib

Robot's command management component is locacted under src/botmaster directory.

    ├── core
    |    ├ commands.ts    # commands implementation functions (resolvers)  
    |    ├ parser.ts      # extracts resolvers and arguments from text
    |    ├ runner.ts      # provides API to run actual command
    |    ├ types.ts       # common types 
    ├── tests 
    |      └── ...        # tests for components
    ├── index.ts          # exports the final api 

Self evaluation


  • Code seems solid with maintained functional approach
  • No documentation and comments in code provided (hope it shoud be self speaking)
  • Some naming could be slight confusing


Thanks to typescript, separation of functional components and complete tests coverage it seems easy to maintain the code while adding or fixing something.


It's easy to add additional commands with different parameters. Current parser allows to map any functions with any numbers of parameters and automatically detect corecntess number of arguments in user's commands. However type checking is the responcibility of resolving function (check ./botmaster/core/commands.ts file).

Readiness for production

Ready for production. Has no internal state so ready for scaling )