
Example of simple browser test using Ruby + Watir(Selenium-based test framework) + Cucumber + PageObject pattern

Primary LanguageRuby

Challenge(IT Challenge - https://itchallenges.me/0)

Example of simple browser test using Ruby + Watir(Selenium-based test framework) + Cucumber + PageObject pattern

1. Install Ruby(2.3.3)

2. Install Chrome + driver

  • install google-chrome
  • download appropriate version chromedriver for current google-chrome version
  • add path to chromedriver.exe into PATH variable

3. Project Bundle

  • go to project folder

  • type in console:

    • gem install bundler
    • bundle install

4. Set email and password

(sign up before - https://bitnami.com/account/sign_up)


    • set %EMAIL%=your_email
    • set %PASSWORD%=your_password

    • export EMAIL=your_email
    • export PASSWORD=your_password

5. Run test

  • type in console:
    • cucumber

6. Useful links