
A dummy store, products and favorites!

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Project Title


An Nx and Angular project


The product list page is the homepage and displays a list of products. Every product preview contains the thumbnail, the title, the description, and the price. Also, a button to toggle the product as favorite or not favorite.

The favorite products page displays a list of favorite products for the current user. Every product preview contains the thumbnail, the title, the description, and the price of the product. Also, a button to toggle it as favorite (or not favorite).

  • Angular 17
  • Nx monorepo
  • SSR: Native Angular server side rendering for First Contentful Paint (FCP)
  • Netlify deployment
  • Pagination
  • Ngrx Store for managing app state
  • Use of signals for better performance
  • Standalone components
  • SCSS for styles
  • Rxjs
  • On-Push strategy
  • Centralized service for app requests
  • Unit testing with Jest



Tech Stack

Client: Angular 17, Nx, SCSS, NGRX, Rxjs

Server: https://dummyjson.com


API Reference


Get all products

  GET /products
header Type Description
token string Required. Your token

Limit and skip products:

ex: 'https://dummyjson.com/products?limit=10&skip=10&select=title,price'

More endpoints

Add Product → https://dummyjson.com/products/add ● Update Product → https://dummyjson.com/products/{id} ● Delete Product → https://dummyjson.com/products/{id}

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  npx nx run dummyshop:test


![App Porducts] https://ibb.co/cxm6LYn

![App Porducts] https://ibb.co/6JSxHbR



This workspace has been generated by Nx, Smart Monorepos · Fast CI.

Start the app

To start the development server run nx serve dummyshop. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/. Happy coding!

Generate code

If you happen to use Nx plugins, you can leverage code generators that might come with it.

Run nx list to get a list of available plugins and whether they have generators. Then run nx list <plugin-name> to see what generators are available.

Learn more about Nx generators on the docs.

Running tasks

To execute tasks with Nx use the following syntax:

nx <target> <project> <...options>

You can also run multiple targets:

nx run-many -t <target1> <target2>

..or add -p to filter specific projects

nx run-many -t <target1> <target2> -p <proj1> <proj2>

Targets can be defined in the package.json or projects.json. Learn more in the docs.

Want better Editor Integration?

Have a look at the Nx Console extensions. It provides autocomplete support, a UI for exploring and running tasks & generators, and more! Available for VSCode, IntelliJ and comes with a LSP for Vim users.

Ready to deploy?

Just run nx build demoapp to build the application. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory, ready to be deployed.

Set up CI!

Nx comes with local caching already built-in (check your nx.json). On CI you might want to go a step further.

Explore the Project Graph

Run nx graph to show the graph of the workspace. It will show tasks that you can run with Nx.