
Node server that provides CRUD APIs to support the Happy Finder mobile app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


I decided to stop development once Quantum Mob shipped thier excellent Dealmap app first ☺️

Happy Finder Server

Happy Finder Server is the backend server that supports the Happy Finder mobile app. The server is a Node backend that exposes APIs that read and store data to/from a Mongo database. The server has the following endpoints:


List of crowd sourced restourants and bars with food and drink deals.


Wrapper around the Google Maps API, returning lists of businesses based on specific search criteria (ie. keyword, lat/lng, etc).


List of crowd sourced suggestions for potential deals. Suggestions are vetted and either rejected or later turned into establishments.


After cloning the repo and installing dependencies via npm install, follow the steps below to get up and running.

  1. Install Mongo
  2. Run mongo locally and create a collection named happy-finder-dev.
  3. Create .env, using .env.ex as a template, and fill in any missing values for your environment.
  4. Start the server via heroku local.

You should now have a running server locally.