
An functional experiment in Raft & Clojure

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Build Status Coverage Status Clojars Project

Tabby is an implementation of the Raft consensus algorithm.


  • REPL based development
  • Leadership Election
  • Log Replication


The database is just a key value store with support for the following operations:

  • set key value
  • get key
  • compare-and-swap key new old

Client Libraries

There is only one client at this time and it's written in clojure in this repo in the client namespace.




There are a few ways to runtabby

  1. Kubernetes: There are some example yamls in the 'k8s' directory.
  2. Command line:

For each peer machine run tabby like this: java -jar $TABBY_JAR --id $ME --peers $PEER_STRING --data-dir $DATA_DIR

  • $ME: The ID of peer in question
  • $PEER_STRING: A comma separated list of peers in the format of := e.g. "tabby-0:7659=0,tabby-1:7659" NOTE: tabby will prune itself out of the peer list
  • $DATA_DIR: Where tabby should store it's replicated log.

Ideally run this with a daemonizer, like systemd or whatever.


  • Fix inconsistent jepsen results
  • HTTP client API
  • HTTP health checks
  • Prometheus Metrics

Jespsen testing

  1. Clone the jepsen repo
  2. Copy the ./jepsen directory into the jepsen repo
  3. Turn up jepsen, ( I use the docker one )
  4. Enter the control node
  5. Go into the 'tabby' subdirectory
  6. lein run test --concurrency 10


Copyright © 2015 Ian Quick

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or any later version.