Implement a Planning Search


This project included skeletons for the classes and functions needed to solve deterministic logistics planning problems for an Air Cargo transport system using a planning search agent. With progression search algorithms, optimal plans for each problem were computed, using domain-independent heuristics. Progression air cargo search

This project can be separated into 2 parts.

  • Part 1 - Planning problems:
    • Implement the Python methods and functions as marked in
    • Experiment and document metrics
  • Part 2 - Domain-independent heuristics:
    • Implement relaxed problem heuristic in
    • Implement Planning Graph and automatic heuristic in
    • Experiment and document metrics

Written Analysis

  • My written analysis can be found in
  • The analysis consists of the following three key points.
  • A summary of non-heuristic search result metrics (optimality, time elapsed, number of node expansions) for Problems 1,2, and 3.
  • A summary of heuristic search result metrics using A* with the "ignore preconditions" and "level-sum" heuristics for Problems 1, 2, and 3.
  • An explanation for the best heuristic that I used, as well as my observations of it's effectiveness for all of the problems.

Environment requirements

  • Python 3.4 or higher
  • Starter code includes a copy of companion code from the Stuart Russel/Norvig AIMA text.

Project Details

Part 1 - Planning problems

My approach in planning was primarily derived from Stuart Russel and Perter Norvig's AIMA book.

"Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" 3rd edition chapter 10 or 2nd edition Chapter 11 on Planning, available on the AIMA book site sections:

  • The Planning Problem
  • Planning with State-space Search

GIVEN: classical PDDL problems

All problems are in the Air Cargo domain. They have the same action schema defined, but different initial states and goals.

  • Air Cargo Action Schema:
Action(Load(c, p, a),
	PRECOND: At(c, a) ∧ At(p, a) ∧ Cargo(c) ∧ Plane(p) ∧ Airport(a)
	EFFECT: ¬ At(c, a) ∧ In(c, p))
Action(Unload(c, p, a),
	PRECOND: In(c, p) ∧ At(p, a) ∧ Cargo(c) ∧ Plane(p) ∧ Airport(a)
	EFFECT: At(c, a) ∧ ¬ In(c, p))
Action(Fly(p, from, to),
	PRECOND: At(p, from) ∧ Plane(p) ∧ Airport(from) ∧ Airport(to)
	EFFECT: ¬ At(p, from) ∧ At(p, to))
  • Problem 1 initial state and goal:
Init(At(C1, SFO) ∧ At(C2, JFK) 
	∧ At(P1, SFO) ∧ At(P2, JFK) 
	∧ Cargo(C1) ∧ Cargo(C2) 
	∧ Plane(P1) ∧ Plane(P2)
	∧ Airport(JFK) ∧ Airport(SFO))
Goal(At(C1, JFK) ∧ At(C2, SFO))
  • Problem 2 initial state and goal:
Init(At(C1, SFO) ∧ At(C2, JFK) ∧ At(C3, ATL) 
	∧ At(P1, SFO) ∧ At(P2, JFK) ∧ At(P3, ATL) 
	∧ Cargo(C1) ∧ Cargo(C2) ∧ Cargo(C3)
	∧ Plane(P1) ∧ Plane(P2) ∧ Plane(P3)
	∧ Airport(JFK) ∧ Airport(SFO) ∧ Airport(ATL))
Goal(At(C1, JFK) ∧ At(C2, SFO) ∧ At(C3, SFO))
  • Problem 3 initial state and goal:
Init(At(C1, SFO) ∧ At(C2, JFK) ∧ At(C3, ATL) ∧ At(C4, ORD) 
	∧ At(P1, SFO) ∧ At(P2, JFK) 
	∧ Cargo(C1) ∧ Cargo(C2) ∧ Cargo(C3) ∧ Cargo(C4)
	∧ Plane(P1) ∧ Plane(P2)
	∧ Airport(JFK) ∧ Airport(SFO) ∧ Airport(ATL) ∧ Airport(ORD))
Goal(At(C1, JFK) ∧ At(C3, JFK) ∧ At(C2, SFO) ∧ At(C4, SFO))

Methods and Functions to look for in

  • AirCargoProblem.get_actions method including load_actions and unload_actions sub-functions
  • AirCargoProblem.actions method
  • AirCargoProblem.result method
  • air_cargo_p2 function
  • air_cargo_p3 function

Experiment and document metrics for non-heuristic planning solution searches

  • Run uninformed planning searches for air_cargo_p1, air_cargo_p2, and air_cargo_p3; take note of metrics on number of node expansions required, number of goal tests, time elapsed, and optimality of solution for each search algorithm.
  • Use the run_search script for your data collection: from the command line type python -h to learn more.

Why are we setting the problems up this way?

Progression planning problems can be solved with graph searches such as breadth-first, depth-first, and A*, where the nodes of the graph are "states" and edges are "actions". A "state" is the logical conjunction of all boolean ground "fluents", or state variables, that are possible for the problem using Propositional Logic. For example, we might have a problem to plan the transport of one cargo, C1, on a single available plane, P1, from one airport to another, SFO to JFK. state space In this simple example, there are five fluents, or state variables, which means our state space could be as large as 2to5. Note the following:

  • While the initial state defines every fluent explicitly, in this case mapped to TTFFF, the goal may be a set of states. Any state that is True for the fluent At(C1,JFK) meets the goal.
  • Even though PDDL uses variable to describe actions as "action schema", these problems are not solved with First Order Logic. They are solved with Propositional logic and must therefore be defined with concrete (non-variable) actions and literal (non-variable) fluents in state descriptions.
  • The fluents here are mapped to a simple string representing the boolean value of each fluent in the system, e.g. TTFFTT...TTF. This will be the state representation in the AirCargoProblem class and is compatible with the Node and Problem classes, and the search methods in the AIMA library.

Part 2 - Domain-independent heuristics

Readings relevant to Part 2:

"Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" 3rd edition chapter 10 or 2nd edition Chapter 11 on Planning, available on the AIMA book site section:

  • Planning Graph

Heuristic method was implemented in

  • AirCargoProblem.h_ignore_preconditions method

Planning Graph with automatic heuristics was implemented in the following methods from

  • PlanningGraph.add_action_level method
  • PlanningGraph.add_literal_level method
  • PlanningGraph.inconsistent_effects_mutex method
  • PlanningGraph.interference_mutex method
  • PlanningGraph.competing_needs_mutex method
  • PlanningGraph.negation_mutex method
  • PlanningGraph.inconsistent_support_mutex method
  • PlanningGraph.h_levelsum method

Experiment and document: metrics of A* searches with these heuristics

  • Run A* planning searches using the heuristics you have implemented on air_cargo_p1, air_cargo_p2 and air_cargo_p3. Take note of metrics on number of node expansions required, number of goal tests, time elapsed, and optimality of solution for each search algorithm.
  • Use the run_search script for this purpose: from the command line type python -h to learn more.

Why a Planning Graph?

The planning graph is somewhat complex, but is useful in planning because it is a polynomial-size approximation of the exponential tree that represents all possible paths. The planning graph can be used to provide automated admissible heuristics for any domain. It can also be used as the first step in implementing GRAPHPLAN, a direct planning algorithm that you may wish to learn more about on your own (but we will not address it here).

Planning Graph example from the AIMA book Planning Graph

Examples and Testing:

  • As a way to help initialize some starter code, Udacity has provided some examples and tests with the files below, originating from this repository.
  • The planning problem for the "Have Cake and Eat it Too" problem in AIMA has been implemented in the example_have_cake module as an example.
  • The tests directory includes unittest test cases to evaluate your implementations. All tests should pass before you submit your project for review. From the AIND-Planning directory command line:
    • python -m unittest tests.test_my_air_cargo_problems
    • python -m unittest tests.test_my_planning_graph
  • The run_search script is provided for gathering metrics for various search methods on any or all of the problems and should be used for this purpose.

A note on long execution times

The exercises in this project can take a long time to run (from several seconds to a several hours) depending on the heuristics and search algorithms utilised. If you are attempting to reproduce my results, I recommend installing and using pypy3 -- a python JIT, which can accelerate execution time substantially. Using pypy is not required to achieve the same results as me, but could prove useful in discovering the intuition behind some of the more sophisticated problems in the project.