
A customizable, useful and wonderful multi-part file uploader, support "resume from break-point".

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A customizable, useful and wonderful multi-part file uploader, support "resume from break-point".


using npm:

npm i multipart-uploader

using CDN:

coming soon...

Quick Start

import multipart-uploader

import MultipartUploader from 'multipart-uploader';

comfigure uploader

MultipartUploader.defaults.checkApi = 'your check api';
MultipartUploader.defaults.uploadApi = 'your upload api';
MultipartUploader.defaults.mergeApi = 'your merge api';

upload the file

const uploader = new MultipartUploader({ file });
//☝️ the file is the instance of File, it usually comes from:
// const file = document.getElementById('file').files[0]

// call the method `assume` to upload file after `finish compute md5`
uploader.on('finish-compute-md5', () => {

API Reference

new MultipartUploader(options)


Option Type Requred Default Desciption
file File the file to be uploaded.
chunkSize number 1024 * 1024 * 25 each chunk size that divided.
checkApi string check api.
uploadApi string upload api.
mergeApi string merge api.
checkEachChunk boolean false whether make a check request for each chunk or not.
concurrentLimit number 8 how many chunks are being uploaded at a time.
customCheckRequest Function * custom the check request, the option detail is in below.
customUploadRequest Function * custom the upload request, the option detail is in below.
customMergeRequest Function * custom the merge request, the option detail is in below.
shouldUpload Function * decide current chunk whether should upload or not, the option detail is in below.
shouldMerge Function * decide whether should make a merge request or not, the option detail is in below.
request AxiosInstance axios.create() MultipartUploader will take requests use this http-tool.

All options exclude file can be configured in MultipartUploader.defaults❗️❗️❗️


This option is a function, one param will be provided, and the param is an Object contains these properties:

  1. file: File - the uploaded file;
  2. md5: string - the md5 of file;
  3. chunks: number - the count of file chunks;
  4. chunk?: Blob - the chunk of curent upload task, this options will be provided while the checkEachChunk option is true;
  5. chunkNumber?: number - the number of current chunk in chunkList. it also will be provided while the checkEachChunk option is true.

And funcion should return an Object contains these optional properties:

  1. method?: string - request method, default is GET while missing;
  2. headers?: Object - request headers, default is {} while missing;
  3. params?: Object - request params, is key-value Object, default is {} while missing;
  4. data?: any - request data, default is null while missing.

for a further understandding, here is the builtin customCheckRequest function:

function(params) {
  const p = params;
  p.filename = p.file.name;
  Reflect.deleteProperty(p, 'file');
  return {
    params: p,

After understandding this option, you can configure customUploadReqeust and customMergeRequest options. they both has one param and should return an Object like the above.

All custom function will be called by uploader instance, do not pass arrow function❗️❗️❗️


It is very similar to customCheckRequest. the only difference is the param chunk and chunkNumber always exist.

Here is the builtin customUploadRequest function:

function(params) {
  const { chunk, chunkNumber, md5, file } = params;
  const data = new FormData();
  data.append('chunk', chunk);
  data.append('chunkNumber', String(chunkNumber));
  data.append('filename', file.name);
  data.append('md5', md5);
  return {


the Obvious truth is that there is no things need to describe. but you should know that, the function param chunk and chunkNumber always do not exist.

Here is the builtin customMergeRequest function:

function(params) {
  const { md5, file, chunks } = params;
  return { data: { md5, filename: file.name, chunks } };


This function takes an important role in "resume from break-point", each chunk will call this function before uploading to dicide to upload or not. Two params will be provided.

The first param is the returns of checking request, it depend on you server response.

the second param is an Object contains file, md5, chunks, chunk, chunkNumber properties.

You should return an boolean value, true makes chunk to upload, false makes not.

This is the builtin shouldUpload function below, obviously, it do not support "resume from break-point", it pass every chunks to be uploaded:

function() {
  return true;


The returns of this function will decide to whether make merge request or not fater finishing uploading all chunks. This function has one Object param contains file, md5, chunks properties.

Here is the builtin shouldMerge function:

function() {
  return true;


static defaults: Object

The default configurations. You can configure it and every instances of MultipartUploader will use these option.

  1. defaults.chunkSize: number;
  2. defaults.checkApi: string;
  3. defaults.checkEachChunk: boolean;
  4. defaults.concurrentLimit: number;
  5. defaults.uploadApi: string;
  6. defaults.mergeApi: string;
  7. defaults.customCheckRequest: Function;
  8. defaults.customUploadRequest: Function;
  9. defaults.customMergeRequest: Function.
  10. defaults.shouldUpload: Function.
  11. defaults.shouldMerge: Function.

readonly file: File

equal to options.file passed.

readonly chunkList: Blob[]

After new, the file will be divided to a several amounts of single chunk, chunkList is a Blob Array contain these chunks.

readonly chunks: number

the chunks count of the file, equal to chunkList.length

readonly uploaded: number[]

chunk will be upload separately, uploaded is a Array cotains the each chunk's progress.

active: boolean

upload status. calling assume method successfully turn active to true, pause turn to false.

get md5: string

the file's md5, it is undefined before finish-compute-md5.

get progress: {uploaded: number, percent: number}

the uploading progress.

  1. uploaded - the total size uploaded;
  2. percent - the percent of the whole file, 0-1.


assume(): Promise

Start or continue to upload, it should be call after the event finish-compute-md5 was fired.

pause(): Promise

Pause the upload mission.

merge(): Promise

merge chunks to a file. This function will be call when all chunks have been uploaded and the shouldMerge function returns true;

You can configure the shouldMerge function to return false, then do something else, and call merge function yourself.

on(event: string, callback: Function): void

Add a listener to uploader, the function will be called while firing events related.

off(event, callback: Function): void

Remove a listener from uploader.

offAll(event): void

Remove all listeners of one event from uploader.


Event Callback
before-compute-md5 () => any
finish-compute-md5 (md5: string) => any
before-upload () => any
uploading () => any
finish-upload () => any
progress ({uploaded: number, percent: number}) => any
before-merge () => any
finish-merge (mergeRes: any) => any
paused () => any


look ./examle folder. The web-side demo is base on VUE.

Do not use the example code for you upload service❗️❗️❗️

The example is only for dev-test, there are a lot of problems in demo-code.❗️❗️❗️