-- finds and prints the biggest square on a map
Compile by running make
in the project's root directory
my_bsq [map.txt]
finds the largest possible square on a board while avoiding obstacles. The board is represented by a file passed as the program’s argument, respecting those constraints:
- Its first line contains the number of lines on the board (and only that), "." (representing a free space) and "o" (representing an obstacle) are the only two allowed characters for the other lines
- All the lines will be the same length (except the first one), and that length is at least 1
- The map will have at least one line
- Each line is terminated by
IMPORTANT NOTE: The program assumes that those constraints are observed, and does no further error checking.
The program prints the board, with some "." replaced by "x" to represent the largest square found.
To generate a new map, run:
perl <num_rows> <num_cols> <obstacle_density_as_percentage> > <output_file.txt>
This project is implemented with a dynamic programming approach. The time complexity is O(m * n), since we iterate twice through the map. The space complexity is O(n), since my only auxiliary structure is an array of size (n + 1).
This project could obviously have been done in a more straightforward fashion. However, I decided I was going to play with a C coding style called "C+", where one emulates object-oriented programming with the C programming language.