
Generate README's for Holberton assignments

Primary LanguagePython


Generate README's for Holberton projects


Make sure you have python installed. Consider using a virtualenv

Make sure you have pip installed

Finally, run pip install -r requirements.txt in your shell to get all the required python packages


Create the environment variables HOLB_USERNAME and HOLB_PASS to refer to your holberton intranet username and password respectively. If you plan to use this script repeatedly, it's a good idea to put these definitions in your .bashrc:

export HOLB_USERNAME='username'
export HOLB_PASS='password'

Run the script as follows:

python rmg.py [url]

substiting [url] with the url of the target project's page


The script will output a file called README.md_generated which you can then use as your README for the project