
generator directories for Holberton School repositories

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generate directories for Holberton School repositories


Python Environment

This program is written and tested with Python 3.4.3 I manage my python environments using virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper so instructions will be written assuming you have those installed. First set up a new environment and install the requirements:

mkvirtualenv repo_generator
pip install -r requirements.txt

if you choose not to use virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper then just run the pip install line above.

Environment Variables

The best way I've found so far to avoid typing your intranet username and password each time the program runs is to set environment variables with your Holberton username and password. If anybody has suggestions for a better way to do this feel free to suggest it to me.

Add the following to your .bashrc:

export HOLB_USERNAME='<username>'
export HOLB_PASS='<password>'

genrepo script

I wrote a script which I saved in /usr/local/bin/genrepo to run the script easily. It relies on this repository being in your home (~) directory. Feel free to mess with this, and let me know if there's a better protocol for creating and using scripts in this way.

source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
workon repo_generator
python ~/repo_generator/repo_gen.py $1

If you choose not to use virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper then the equivalent script is simply

python ~/repo_generator/repo_gen.py $1


With everything set up correctly, usage is as simple as

genrepo <url>

with <url> being the url for the project you're generating i.e. https://intranet.hbtn.io/projects/248

Make sure you have completed the quiz before generating the repo or it won't know what to generate. If you want to also generate advanced tasks then unlock them manually before generating. Careful about generating a folder you already have, as the program may overwrite your files.


Please notify me of any bugs by creating an issue in this repository or messaging me on slack. If you want to make the program better by contributing feel free to message me on Slack or come talk to me about improvements. There also may be some issues already listed that you can work on solving if you're interested.