
Properties of therminol fluids

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Dear Ian

I just installed the lates version of Matlab-CoolProp (5.0.7). It works properly with fluid like water. However, for fluids like thermino if gives me problems:

Here the screenshot:


Hope you can help me.



jowr commented

The error is correct, the standard backend is a Helmholtz-energy-based one and that does not support T66. Use INCOMP::T66 instead. If I am not mistaken, just T66 has never worked before.

jowr commented

Not in version 5 at least... It did in version 4 though.

It works! Thank you very much.

jowr commented

You are welcome. Please have a look at the documentation if you experience errors. Many things changed from version 4 to 5 and you might discover a few more rough edges. Please keep posting issues in case you find bugs.

jowr commented

... and please use the new repo at https://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp next time.