- 1
archive this repo
#271 opened by thorade - 5
viscosity for isopentane and pentane are incorrect
#269 opened by krule012 - 2
error 53 on excel 2016 OS X serria
#270 opened by tgrillet - 1
problem with mixing steam and humid air
#268 opened by aquasweep - 1
- 1
processing vector of inputs within Matlab
#266 opened by witmb - 2
cannot compile with visual studio 14
#265 opened by chchen85 - 1
Undefined symbols when compiling FLUENT wrapper
#264 opened by superpippo89 - 2
Getting 4.2.6 to PyPi
#263 opened by jowr - 2
bubble/dew densities
#262 opened by adex987 - 5
PropsSImulti in Python
#261 opened by VAL333 - 0
- 2
- 2
input variable names second_partial_deriv
#258 opened by thorade - 1
Vapor mass quality = 1 generates error
#257 opened by Finnepinnen - 1
Reciprocal_density option not working
#256 opened by dinojr - 4
Bug with R245fa conductivity
#255 opened by evinvodkha - 1
Properties for propylene are wrong
#254 opened by stefann82 - 0
documentation confusing
#253 opened by hyhzju - 5
Properties of therminol fluids
#252 opened by jsbahamonde - 6
coolprop js any server installs needed?
#251 opened - 2
- 14
how to install and use coolprop on ubuntu linux
#247 opened by hyhzju - 1
- 2
CoolProp GUI (Design Considerations)
#248 opened by Rod-Persky - 1
CoolProp fails when calculating saturation lines for Solkatherm: Error using ==> PropsSI CoolProp Error: Error in ==> Ts_diagram at 26 s_l = PropsSI('S','T',TT,'Q',0,fluid{ff});
#245 opened by labothap - 0
- 1
ValueError: PropsSI failed ungracefully :: inputs were:"I","P",8.7000000000000023e+05,"T",4.7247777777777776e+02,"Pentane"; please file a ticket at
#244 opened by lchenriksen2 - 2
- 4
- 12
Plot in octave
#241 opened by Jjhayi - 18
Thermal Conductivity of PMS2
#240 opened by glenliness - 2
#227 opened by pmanach - 7
Refprop mixtures off IIR scale
#239 opened by mayersre - 1
Coolprop Refprop pcrit with wrong unit prefix
#238 opened by mayersre - 14
Water/Glycol (EG-50%) enthalpy inconsistency
#224 opened by romarro - 5
problem trying to install via pip
#237 opened by jpcanip - 5
#236 opened by AllanStarke - 6
CoolProp in JAVA
#235 opened by EVT1982 - 17
Building CoolProp on Ubuntu 14.04
#234 opened by n-riesco - 1
'Air' fluid: weird results on an isentropic
#233 opened by jjfPCSI1 - 4
Excel Addin: R404A wrong thermal conductivity
#232 opened by spiderpinne - 13
Compiling on a Mac
#229 opened by vancesteven - 2
Plot after fresh install on a mac
#230 opened by vancesteven - 2
zero occured in row 3
#231 opened by squoilin - 2
How to perform CoolProp tests properly
#228 opened by sagitter - 1
- 3
problem installing, python 3.4
#226 opened by aadhate - 4
Excel - VBA: division by zero error
#225 opened by andrei-ng - 0
Add debug output to modelica
#223 opened by ibell