Plot in octave
Opened this issue · 12 comments
Can you attach the entire script please? I don't think this is a CoolProp problem.
That is very weird. What is at line 28 in your script file?
If you are not too invested into octave, I really recommend python for
these sorts of things. Your script would only be a few lines in python.
Especially on windows the octave support is quite bad.
On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 9:18 PM, Jjhayi wrote:
But if i don't start the "Coolprop.oct" i can plot normally
With coolprop
[image: captura de tela 2014-10-02 16 13 55] coolprop
[image: captura de tela 2014-10-02 16 16 00] script you mean the entire error? Because that's all that appears
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#241 (comment).
just plot(x,Tc,"b",x,Th,"r")
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 12:20:10 -0700
Subject: Re: [coolprop] Plot in octave (#241)
That is very weird. What is at line 28 in your script file?
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hmm. How can you plot without having coolprop loaded?
Using the same thing.
If i use coolprop, should i plot in a different way?
It shouldn't have any impact on plotting at all. Seems like a bug in
On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 9:36 PM, Jjhayi wrote:
If i use coolprop, should i plot in a different way?
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#241 (comment).
well, i gonna try to reinstall
if don't work, i gonna try to learn python :)
Yes I think it is a good investment to learn python. It works great for
these sorts of problems. It is my primary language, so if you have
problems I can guarantee we can fix them. Octave is pretty buggy.
On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 9:40 PM, Jjhayi wrote:
well, i gonna try to reinstall
if don't work, i gonna try to learn python :)—
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#241 (comment).
Okey dokey sir :)
Thanks for your time