Flask by Example

Blog Posts

This is the repo for the Real Python blog series, Flask by Example -

  1. Part One: Set up a local development environment and then deploy both a staging and a production environment on Heroku.
  2. Part Two: Set up a PostgreSQL database along with SQLAlchemy and Alembic to handle migrations.
  3. Part Three: Add in the back-end logic to scrape and then process the word counts from a webpage using the requests, BeautifulSoup, and Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) libraries.
  4. Part Four: Implement a Redis task queue to handle the text processing.
  5. Part Five: Set up Angular on the front-end to continuously poll the back-end to see if the request is done processing.
  6. Part Six: Push to the staging server on Heroku - setting up Redis and detailing how to run two processes (web and worker) on a single Dyno.
  7. Part Seven: Update the front-end to make it more user-friendly.
  8. Part Eight: Add the D3 library into the mix to graph a frequency distribution and histogram.

Check out http://realpython.com

Quick Start

First Steps

$ pyvenv-3.5 env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up Migrations

$ python manage.py db init
$ python manage.py db migrate
$ python manage.py db upgrade


Run each in a different terminal window...

# redis
$ redis server

# worker process
$ python worker.py

# the app
$ python app.py