ibell's Followers
- 8cold8hotTU Delft
- Amikiux
- arnaouTechnical University of Denmark
- Arnobdas09
- ashok-tren
- Barandier
- birdol
- BUT-JPBrno University of Technology
- DengRongSheng
- duncanamSpaceX
- Eduardo-BDMAlves
- edxu96House of Energy Markets and Finance, University Duisburg-Essen
- emanoi
- fedebenelliIPQA - CONICET
- gabacame
- ivanantolo
- J-CardemilPUC Chile
- JawadJaberJordan
- jjgomera
- kaylahaney69
- li0830
- Mehul-Gu
- michaldengusiakBerlin
- mojtaba136411
- nileshjchoudharyIndian Institute of Technology Tirupati
- qujinb0
- renan991995National Taiwan University
- rnttl
- RogueRoketeer@RogueXT Rogue Experimental Technologies
- simulkadeTechnical University of Denmark
- teobalconi
- thermalogic
- ThiagoReschutzeggerFlorianópolis, SC, Brazil
- twmoeschTechnische Universität Dresden
- yolandaLiuZongPingSchneider Electric
- zhoudonghui1