
Extract words of a certain website, check if they are isograms, write it to file. A quick exercise in OOPHP

Primary LanguagePHP

Isogram Extractor

This is just a small exercise in object oriented PHP.

My goal was to have a long list of German 10 char isograms.

What is an isogram?

An isogram is a word without repeating letters.

Why would someone want to have such a list?

A friend of mine told me, that he "encrypts" his bank card pins by having such an 10 char isogram and replace the numbers with letters.
I told a friend about it and thought about writing an app to mass "encrypt" certain pins. And I want to have a list of such words for people to pick from.

What have I done?

  • find a website with German 10 char words
  • scrap the word lists
  • find the isograms
  • save them to files (as I don't know how I will proceed with that, I exported the list to CSV, JSON and plain tex)

Why is this here?

Why not? And to show my skills and maybe someone can use the idea and what ever :)