
Linting your CSS to limit yourself to a defined subset of values.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Linting your CSS to limit yourself to a defined subset of values.

CSS can get unweildy sometimes, as new features are added and new people join the team. It's hard to be consistent, and that's why utility/functional CSS libraries like Tailwind are growing in popularity. SubsetCSS helps aleviate this problem by enforcing your CSS to a predefined amount of values, keeping everyone on the same page as a project evolves.

Note: in development

Example Output


yarn add -D subsetcss stylelint


Add a .stylelintrc file with the following config:

  "plugins": [
  "rules": {
    "subsetcss/config": "./.subsetcss.js"

Create a .subsetcss.js file with content like:

module.exports = {
  'subsets': {
    'font-size': [
      '.75rem',     // 12px
      '.875rem',    // 14px
      '1rem',       // 16px
      '1.125rem',   // 18px
      '1.25rem',    // 20px
      '21.5rem',    // 24px
      '31.875rem',  // 30px
      '42.25rem',   // 36px
      '53rem',      // 48px
    'border-width': [
    'border-color': [
    'border-style': ['solid'],
    '@media': {
      'params': {
        'max-width': ['400px', '768px'],
      'subsets': {
         'font-size': [
          '1rem',       // 16px
          '1.125rem',   // 18px
          '1.25rem',    // 20px
          '21.5rem',    // 24px
          '31.875rem'   // 30px


You can run with yarn stylelint "src/styles/*.css". Feel free to add to your npm scripts or setup with any intermediate tools.


See the Contributing guide.