
WordPress Plugin to transfer customer data of WooCommerce orders to newsletter tool Klick Tipp

Primary LanguagePHP

=== WooCommerce zu Klick Tipp ===
Contributors: ib4s
Requires at least: 4.9.8
Tested up to: 4.9.8
Requires PHP: 7.2.0
License: GPL2
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Ermöglicht es Kunden anhand ihrer Käufe in Klick Tipp zu taggen

== Installation ==
Normal plugin installation.

Needs three data defined in the wp-config

define( \'KLICKTIPP_USER\', \'\' );
define( \'KLICKTIPP_PASS\', \'\' );
define( \'KLICKTIPP_DOUBLE_OPTIN\', \'\' );

No settings.

Currently just German version. English translation possible.

== Changelog ==

*1.0.0 - 2018-10-23*
- initial commit

*1.1.0 - 2018-10-3*
- adds payment information to Klick Tipp