
Code to scrap the aquas.gencat.cat Covid-19 data

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This script fetches the data shown in the SARS-CoV-2 dashboard and exports it in csv and json formats.


Just run the following instructions on the root folder

npm install
npm run start

All files will be created on the /data/ folder. Daily files are available in this repository

Available data

File name description
areesBasiques This file contains a list of all "Arees bàsiques de salut". Each element has the following attributes
  • id: Identifier
  • name: Name
  • value: Rates standarized by sex and age
  • cases: Number of cases
Note: value and cases are sometimes invalid in the source data. When that happens a value of -1 is set.
Elements of the GeoJSON version of this file also contains, in addition to the geometry of each area, the following attributes:
  • CODISS: "Secció sanitària" identifier
  • NOMSS: "Secció sanitària" name
  • CODIRS: "Regió sanitària" identifier
  • NOMRS: "Regió sanitària" name
  • CODIAGA: "Arees de gestió assitencial" identifier
  • NOMAGA: "Arees de gestió assitencial" name
PCRByAgeRange This file contains the number of cases by age range. Each element has the following attributes
  • min: Minimum age of the range
  • max: Maximum age of the range
  • positive: Number of positives
  • negative: Number of negatives
PCRBySex This file contains the number of cases per sex. Each element has the following attributes
  • femalePositive: Number of female positives
  • malePositive: Number of male positives
  • femaleNegative: Number of female negatives
  • maleNegative: Number of male negatives
PCRTotals This file contains the total number of cases. Each element has the following attributes
  • negative: Number of negatives
  • positive: Number of positives
PCRVariation This file contains the variation of the number of cases since the beginning of the data. Each element has the following attributes
  • timestamp: A UNIX timestamp value
  • date: The date in ISO 8601 format
  • variation: The variation of cases from the previous day
frotis This file contains the number of cases diagnosed by the smear method. Each element has the following attributes
  • timestamp: A UNIX timestamp value
  • date: The date in ISO 8601 format
  • negative: The negative cases
  • positive: The positive cases