
Events and Heroku Kafka

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Heroku 101 | Heroku 201 | Heroku 301 | Heroku 401

Heroku 301

In this exercise we are going to look at Kafka Producer and Consumer application as well as a web/worker pattern as a means for distributing load in Heroku via a traditional queue as well.


You should definitely have a look at the Heroku-101 prerequisites, as we use the same tools there again. We also need to install our first plugin to the Heroku CLI (that's right, it's extensible!)

See Preparing Your Environment for details on how to ensure the Kafka CLI commands are installed.


The introduction section on the Kafka home does an excellent job of explaining what Kafka is, so I encourage you to head over and have a look. Also, have a look at the Heroku docs that talk about our service as well.

For the purpose of this exercise today we will use the multi-tennant kafka service.

Create a Kafka Producer

Check out this codebase for how to get a kafka generator

Create a Kafka Consumer

Check out this codebase for how to get a kafka client

Web / Worker Pattern

There is another pattern that you might be interested in investigating as well, that of the "Web / Worker" pattern in Heroku. We use this to offload processing to different dynos, "workers", while we free up the UI / API layer for processing more requests.

I recommend have a look at this dev center article to get some excellent examples of how this works in your favourite development language.