
Puppet module for managing network interfaces and static routes on RHEL/CentOS flavors of Linux

Primary LanguagePuppet


Puppet module for managing network interfaces and static routes on RHEL/CentOS flavors of Linux. Requires the puppet stdlib module.

Interfaces are defined via the netif::inferface defined type. Arguments are:

  • name
    • Name of the interface. Type is automatically determined by the name.
  • ifaddr
    • IP address of interface.
  • aliases
    • An array of IPv4 addresses to add as aliases (CIDR notation).
  • ifaddr6
    • IPv6 address of interface (currently only works on primary interfaces).
  • aliases6
    • An array of IPv6 addresses to add as aliases.
  • onboot
    • yes/no. Default is yes.
  • onparent
    • yes/no. For vlan, pkey, and aliased interfaces. Default is yes.
  • mtu
    • MTU value for the interface. Defaults are:
      • eth: 1500
      • ib: 2044
  • routes
    • Array of hashes. Key/values of the hash are:
      • address: address/bitmask of the target network. The default route has the address
      • gateway: gateway to target network. If this is undefined, the target network is a different IP subnet on the same physcial subnet.
  • routes6 (currently only works on primary interfaces).
    • Same as routes, but for IPv6.
  • slave
    • Array of slave interface names for bridge interfaces.

Supported interface types:

  • Ethernet
  • Ethernet VLAN
  • Infiniband
  • Infiniband with Partition Keys (pkey)
  • Aliased interfaces
  • Bridge interfaces, including slaves
  • Tap virtual interfaces

Usage example:

eth0 including default routes and aliases:

netif::interface { 'eth0' :
    # address/netmask
    ifaddr => "" ,
    aliases => ["", ""] ,
    ifaddr6 => "abc:123:def:456::9a3/64" ,
    aliases6 => ["abc:123:def:456::9b7/64", "abc:123:def:456::a48/64"] ,
    routes => [
            # this interface has the default route
            address => '' ,
            gateway => '' ,
        } ,
    ] ,
    routes6 => [
            # this interface has the default route
            address => '::/0' ,
            gateway => 'abc:123:def:456::1' ,
        } ,
    ] ,

eth0.2347 VLAN interface with a route to another network:

netif::interface { 'eth0.2347' :
# address/netmask
ifaddr => "" ,
routes => [
# route to remote network
addresss => '' ,
gateway  => '' ,
} ,

br0 with slaves eth2-eth5 with a route to an overlay network:

netif::interface { 'br0' :
# address/netmask
ifaddr => "" ,
slaves => ['eth2','eth3','eth4','eth5'] ,
routes => [
# route to network on the same physical subnet
addresss => '' ,
} ,