
TPC queries

Primary LanguagePython

TPC query translations

All queries are ready-to-run, using the default substitution parameters as specified by the TPC-H spec.

  • Each translation of each query is in its own file in the queries/ directory.
    • sqlite_tpc/h*.sql files are taken from the spec and modified as needed to be executed directly by SQLite
    • ibis_tpc/h*.py files are translated into Python using Ibis
    • dplyr_tpc/h*.R files are translated into R using dplyr, from ursacomputing/arrowbench


./runtpc [--db <tpch.sqlite>] [--output <output_dir>] [-v] <queries>


  • <output_dir> specifies a directory for debugging files: results, generated queries, logs (default is no debugging output)
  • <tpch.sqlite> is the TPC database to use (default tpch.db, not included)
  • <queries> is any number of TPC query ids: h01 .. h22



Included scripts


Uses ibis_substrait to compile Ibis expressions to binary blobs and stores them in the substrait_tpc directory.


Generate updated blobs for all queries (for those queries that can be compiled)

python write_tpc_proto.py

Generate updated blob for query h#

python write_tpc_proto.py --query h01

